It's been awhile since I blogged about gaming. I'm actually doing okay on gaming at the moment. There are plenty of games I want to try, and I have a stockpile of indie games I've collected and perused. But my time for gaming is already near peak.
I belong to the LARP troupe
Dreams of Deirdre, and we just published a book explaining the rules we've been using and honing for our games over the years:
LARPS. We run games at a number of Bay Area gaming conventions. I am also the LARP coordinator for
BigBadCon, an October RPG/LARP convention held in Oakland, CA.
I just got out of a long-term RuneQuest game which we played almost every month for over 5 years. I am looking forward to moving on to a new regular game.
My Monday group and I played the
Dresden Files RPG for a number of years, and I was pleased how well they took to the Fate ruleset. I also spent a lot of time on the
forums for DFRPG. We did a brief stint playing
Apocalypse World, but it wasn't everybody's scene, so we moved on to
Bulldogs!, a Fate game adapted (and streamlined) from a
d20 sci-fi setting.
In days of old, I cut my teeth on Champions, AD&D 2nd edition, and a little Call of Cthulhu on the side. I have since delved into Mutants & Masterminds, Trail of Cthulhu, and D&D 3.x. I never made the leap to either Pathfinder or D&D 4.0, though with the number of supplements I acquired for D&D 3.x, Pathfinder would make the most sense, nothing against 4.0.
I got into Fate when my Monday group wanted to do a Dresden Files game, and when the opportunity came up, I invested in the
Fate Core Kickstarter, which has been a bounty of great supplements and books. I have been adapting my Bulldogs! game with an occasional rule from the more recent Fate Core, but for some key elements, I remain true to the established Bulldogs! rules.
I occasionally play
Fiasco, and have amassed a hefty dossier of playsets.
I have set up a
GM Walk-Away Kit for gaming emergencies (though I'll have to rely on a laptop instead of a tablet).
The list of games I want to try is quite long, and I may attempt it here later. There are so many developers creating new and innovative RPGs, and some larger publishers have created some beautiful work and nice games.